John Ewart

Automating Your Infrastructure with Chef

Date: This event took place live on August 06 2014

Presented by: John Ewart

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free

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With the explosion of the Internet has come the challenge of building scalable, adaptive systems that can grow or shrink with an organization's needs both technologically and financially. Cloud providers such as EC2, Azure and Rackspce Cloud have dramatically lowered the barrier to dynamically resizing infrastructure on-demand. However, with an increase in the number of systems comes additional complexity; Chef empowers teams to scale their infrastructure in an automated, well-defined and repeatable fashion. You can use Chef to manage Linux, BSD and Windows hosts alongside one another, deploy software automatically, scale using cloud providers, and automate just about all aspects of your infrastructure. In this webcast, learn what Chef can offer your team from provisioning local development environments to deploying software and managing complex infrastructure.

About John Ewart

John has worn a number of hats over the years including systems architect, software engineer, consultant, author, Ph.D student, and university lecturer. He has authored a number of books, written software for startups, government agencies, and Fortune 500 companies as well as designed and taught computer science courses at the University of California, California State University and local community colleges. His most recent book is "Managing Windows Servers with Chef" and he is finishing another upcoming book on Chef as well. You can find more information on his personal website (

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