Reviews by Senal Kinuka

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Fluent Conference 2014: Video Compilation

Fluent Conference 2014: Video Compilation

JavaScript, CSS, HTML5 and Beyond

Senal's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jul 9, 2014 Senal Kinuka wrote: Fluent conference 2014 By O'Reilly Media, Inc. Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Important--I haven't reviewed every video included in this product--it's not practical but anyone can get an ideal idea of what I'm telling. I got access to all the videos of the conference by beign a member of O'Reilly Reader Review Program...I 'm a student who's studying web development. I'll summarize my review by breaking it down to several sections, so its easy to navigate PART 1 Tutorials Satisfaction = 90% I really like the tutorials.They are Great!as a learner i started watching with the tutorials section.. 1.1 AngularJs Fundamentals by Mark Bates Total Runtime-171min Satisfaction-100% Mark Bates is the guy behind and he has done an amazing job at the fluentconf..his tutorials are very engaging and he had the ability to overcome the boredness by making some fun..if you are a complete newbie to Angulajs then i recommend to use the pause button more often and try to write your own code with him than just watching the video.For someone whos already familiar with Angular this tutorial will help to refresh your knowledge. 1.2 Attacking Web Applications by Sasha Goldshtein Total Runtime-82min Satisfaction-85% This tutorial is not for absolute beginner.Should be a developer who can understand backend and frontend technolgies as well as have some basic understanding of security.But its very engaging i do recommend it to anyone who loves to learn the basics of bad side of the web technologies. PART 2 Keynotes Satisfaction = 100% 2.1 Reading,Writing,Arithmetic,...and Javascript? by Pamela Fox Pamela Fox who's working for KhanAcademy talks about learning javascript at a yearly age.she explain the concept and provide scientific evidence to show that javascript can learn at a very young age. PART 3 Sessions Satisfaction = 100% 3.1 Polymer:Web Components in Action by Eric Bidelman Full Review >

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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0