Narayan Newton

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Narayan is a co-owner of Tag1 Consulting, who joined the team in 2008. He was introduced to Drupal during his tenure at the Oregon State University Open Source Lab where he was the co-lead system administrator -- and served as their Database Administrator of over 180 MySQL databases -- the Freenode Server Administrator, and the Server Administrator. He is a permanent member of the Drupal Association, as their Systems Coordinator, and is the lead Systems Administrator for the Infrastructure Team. He is also a co-maintainer of the Pressflow high performance Drupal distribution.
Outside of Drupal, Narayan has been deeply involved in the FreeBSD, Gentoo, and Slackware communities. More recently, he acted as infrastructure lead for the 2.0 re-launch, infrastructure lead for the redesign launch, and infrastructure lead/performance lead for git migration. Narayan is currently Chief Technology Officer at Tag1 Consulting and resides in Portland, Oregon.